where to shop in Lexington Kentucky
Depends on what you%26#39;re looking for. Fayette Mall is the largest mall in the state. Hamburg has lots of shops. Clay Ave for eclectic boutique type shops.
Thank you for your help! I will explore all of them. Happy Holidays
What shops on Clay Ave do you like for Christmas gifts, lexingtongal?
And have you been to My Favorite Things in hamburg?
(btw, it%26#39;s a book store, but I really like Joseph-Beth Booksellers for gifts as well.)
I love Peggy%26#39;s. I can always find a gift there and can find something in a broad price range. I also like the Paper Weight although there inventory has dramatically decreased.
I%26#39;ll check out Peggy%26#39;s. Thanks..
I shopped at Peggy%26#39;s and liked it. Her store was crammed full of Christmas product; I wouldn%26#39;t know what it looks like any other time of the year.
I needed an individual Christmas card. They sent me across the street to the Paper Weight where their selection of individual Christmas cards was inadequate. The Paper Weight%26#39;s showroom looked unfinished---like a store that was getting ready to open but not ready to open yet.
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